Virtual Town Hall Sunday, 3/29; check your symptoms websites, and more

Dear Friends of Croatia,

With everyone at home, we wanted to check in to see how you are.  We are inserting a few pieces of information — you can either participate or just read about.

Either way, if you are in need or if you would like to volunteer, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Stay healthy and safe!

NEFC Board

  1. FIRST CROATIAN VIRTUAL TOWN HALL:  everyone is getting antsy, and some are getting apprehensive. We thought a Virtual Boston Croatians Town Hall would be a good forum for us.

TIME:  this Sunday, March 29th at 11 AM EASTERN time. For those interested, please call in by clicking on the link.  

HOW:  All you would need is a smartphone or computer and a link to the “Zoommeeting”. In the version we will use, there is no need for a Zoom account. 

TOPICS:  are there people in need in the Boston area; are there people that need assistance in Croatia; would you like to volunteer and how in our community; update on the GoFundMe campaign for Zagreb, open topics to discuss at this forum and any other ideas

2. With a lot of uncertainty about COVID, we wanted to urge you to information from experts. Here is the best option:

3. Govt. Baker just announced an online tool that might be helpful for you or a friend:  “The online available for free to Massachusetts residents at where residents can complete a risk assessment interview to screen for symptoms of COVID-19 based on Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control guidance, and be connected with the appropriate medical care.”

4. If you would like to be active while in social distancing, here is what you can do in Boston:

5. Or you can make masks for hospitals. Joanne Fabrics is donating material and instructions. All you need is to sew. Look for the store where to pick up material: And here are directions for how to do it.

We hope you can join us this Sunday.

Best, Mirena

NEFC: Virtualna vijećnica, nedjelja, 29.3., provjerite vaše simptome, etc.

Dragi prijatelji Hrvatske,

Budući smo svi kod kuće, željeli bismo vidjeti kako ste. Dodajemo nekoliko informacija – možete se uključiti ili samo pročitati.  U svakom slučaju, ako imate kakovu potrebu ili ako želite volontirati, molimo da nam se javite na [email protected].

Ostajte zdravo i na sigurnom.

NEFC Odbor

  1. PRVA HRVATSKA VIRTUALNA VIJEĆNICA:  svi postajemo nestrpljivi, a neki su i prestrašeni.  Činilo nam se da bi Virtualna Vijećnica Hrvata u Bostonu bio za nas dobar forum.

VRIJEME: ove nedjelje, 29. ožujka u 11 sati.  Za one koji su zainteresirani, molimo da se uključite tako da kliknete na link .

KAKO: Sve što vam treba je pametni mobitel ili kompjutor te link za  Zoommeeting.  Za verziju koju ćemo mi koristiti ne treba imati Zoom račun.

O ČEMU:  postoje li ljudi u nevolji u području Bostona, postoje li ljudi koji trebaju pomoć u Hrvatskoj, da li biste željeli volontirati i kako to učiniti u našoj zajednici, informacije o GoFundMe kampanji za Zagreb, otvorena pitanja za razgovor na ovom forumu te bilo koje dodatne ideje.

2. Obzirom na mnogo neizvjesnosti u vezi sa COVID, željeli bismo vas potaknuti da koristite informacije eksperata.  Evo najbolje opcije:

3. Guverner Baker je upravo objavio online alat koji bi vama ili vašim prijateljima mogao biti koristan: “Besplatan online pristup za stanovnike Massachusettsa na gdje građani mogu obaviti intervju za procjenu rizika u odnosu na simptome COVIDA 19 te biti upućeni za dobivanje adekvatne medicinske njege.  Procjena se zasniva na uputama Centra za Kontrolu Bolesti, ”

4. Ako biste željeli biti aktivni za vrijeme društvenog distanciranja, evo što možete raditi u Bostonu:

5. Dodatno, možete izrađivati maske za bolnice.  Joanne Fabrics donira materijal i upute.  Sve što trebate učiniti je šivati.  Ovdje pronađite trgovinu gdje ćete podići materijal : And here are directions for how to do it.

Nadamo se da ćete nam se moći pridružiti ove nedjelje.

Sve najbolje,
